Giving Back with Commonweal Organizations Start with Me

Aloha! My dear friends. Today, I’m going to sharing you this good news with you. Some guys may notice them from our website, but some are not yet. We have cooperated with some commonweal organizations.  This behavior aims at making the world better. They’re Oceanic Preservation Society, Give Back to Nature and World Animal Protection. Although we are a kind of jewelry firm, but we believe that only gather the little strength then can we build the huge power. We supposed to try our best to encourage more people join us, to make things being better. Now it’s time to show you how these things going. 


Giving Back with Oceanic Preservation Society 

Oceanic Preservation Society, OPS is a nonprofit organization committed to sustainability and the preservation of our oceans. Their famous documentary The Cove, which has a great social impact. Together with OPS, we are determined to purify the seawater and create a better living environment for marine life. Now, it’s your turn. We donated $2.00 per unit sale of each product in the Marine Collection and Mermaid Collection. That means we could make efforts to protect our ocean together if you like. Under your kind help, we would create a better marine environment. Marine conservation equals our obligation, purify the seawater and create a better living environment for marine life with us now! 

Necklace of Marine Collection
Necklace of Marine Collection

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