These days we have updated some smaller handbags. And this is the reason why I would love to take share it with you. As for me, smaller bags are much suit summer days. Vise versa, tote bags are more suitable for the cold winter. You could have the opposite idea as me. But I do think things like that. Cause on summer days, I am not taking too much stuff instead of matching my outfits.
Category: Jeulia Latest Design
Jeulia latest design for you with unique graphic online, shows you the ruby heart, animal hug, butterfly and flower, sea world protection, and art deco jewelry to match different requirement. you can choose some cool jewelry for your family and friends at
Hug Me® : a cute animal hug a heart for you or couples, a honey dog, elephant, rabbit or bear …
Starry Night®: Vincent Willem van Gogh, the Dutch post-impressionist painter, pave and cluster for your jewelry.
Dreamy Garden®: Flower and leaf was in a new world with jewelry, Flower jewelry was was in your daily life when wearing;
Hidlove®: Hide your love in the photo customized jewelry for your families, improve your duty about family.
Fluttering Allure®: imagination takes flight with exquisite flying jewelry pieces. With just a gentle touch of your finger, these jewelry pieces unfold their delicate wings, showcasing the joy of soaring through the air.
Skull: Skull jewelry for men is a good choice to resistes Resist evil, to own more strength.
Enamel | Do You Fancy These Unique Enamel Jewelry?
Honestly, most of us are more interested in diamond and gold jewelry. But do you know enamel jewelry? Not like other jewelry, enamel has more colors. Cause it has to be handmade in plenty of hours. It becomes more precious than other jewelry. Hence, if you are willing to add more bright colors to your jewelry box. Enamel jewelry can be a reputable choice. Now let’s go to explore more about it.
Halloween Jewelry Designs which We Select
If you have watched Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Then you would not be able to strange to this series. Halloween is almost approaching. And I was thinking about what will be an excellent theme for this post. Then I am impressed by our new arrivals of Jewelry. It brings me a lot of inspiration. By the way, do you decide what looks will be your dressing up on Halloween? Or would you like to find out some interesting accessories for Halloween? As far as I’m concerned, Maleficent is a wonderful idea.